Section Organisation
board of managers
The Board of Managers (BOM) is composed of the Section Officers and Board Members of the Section: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Board Members.
The Board of Managers is the governing body of the Section; they are responsible for the decision-making, and for the proper and successful operation of the Section. They are to engage in discussions and take votes on matters that affect the Section.
Organise and preside over all Section meetings. Insist upon the planning of interesting and constructive meetings with adequate notice to members, consumer groups and others, and adhere to a definite schedule.
Responsible for ethical leadership of the Section. The President is the primary spokesperson of the Section.
The immediate Past President shall serve as an adviser, with a vote as a member of the Board of Directors, to assure continuity and advancement of the IES policies and procedures.
The Past President shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice President and may temporarily take up the responsibilities of the office, when necessary, upon direction of the Board of Directors.
The Section Vice President is the President's first assistant in the conduct of Section activities, and assumes all duties assigned by the President. The Vice President shall assume the role of Section President if the current Section President is unable to perform their duties.
Maintain the efficient operation of the Section. Delegate responsibilities as necessary. Prepare and issue notice of monthly meetings and of meetings of the Board of Managers to all members. Prepare minutes of all business meetings. Maintain a collection of all written policies, meeting minutes, contractual agreements, and committee charter documents that have been approved and adopted by the Board of Managers.
The Treasurer is responsible for fiscal management and reporting requirements of the Section’s finances. The position of the Treasurer may be combined with the position of the Secretary at the discretion of the Section. The Treasurer is responsible for following “Fiscal Management & Fiscal Responsibility”, as stated in the IES Section Guide.
Board Members are the elected Members who sit on the Board of Managers. Board Members should acquaint themselves with the duties of all Section executive officers, as potential future replacements. Board Members have all the duties and responsibilities listed above for the Board of Managers.
committee chairs
Locally administers educational seminars, webinars, and courses that have been prepared and distributed by the Society.
Coordinates presenters, venues, refreshments, and CE credits (if applicable) for the monthly programs.
The Membership Committee Chair is responsible for cultivating Section Membership, Section recognition, and maintaining a relationship with their local Emerging Professionals group.
The Committee Chair should cultivate relationships with lighting specifiers, manufacturers, sales representatives, educators, students and the scientific community to promote growth of Society membership and volunteerism.
The Membership Chair should also maintain a relationship with local Sustaining Members and look for prospective organisations to add as Sustaining Members to the Society.
Additionally, the Membership chair should maintain a list of membership milestones, including 5 year anniversaries and lead the effort to recognise these anniversaries.
This can include ordering and distribution of anniversary certificates and/or pins.
Prepares the ballot for election of Section Officers and Board Members, and administers the election process.
Makes recommendations to the Board of Managers on potential members to consider for any open and available Section leadership positions.
Typically, the Chair of the Nominating Committee is the immediate past President of the Section. The Board of Managers may elect to appoint an alternate at their discretion.
Be responsible for planning and implementing the IES Illumination Awards at the Section level.
Help facilitate and encourage members and non-members to submit their projects. Reviews all projects for compliance with IA rules and procedures.
Determines section award recognition for eligible projects.
Create and/or maintain the section website, and Social Media accounts making sure information is accurate, up-to-date and contains Society approved links and content.
Send releases to local papers, other professional industry Societies, to encourage the media’s interest in and coverage of Section activities.
An Emerging Professional is an individual who has less than 5 years of experience in the lighting industry. Click here for more information.
Actively engage the Board and Section members in soliciting candidate nominations for Section, Regional and Society Awards/Recognition.
District Initiatives or Events
Represent Section during the organisation of any District-Wide initiatives or events being planned.
Board of Managers
Officers & CHAIRS
President - Tanya Steeves
Past President - Megan Barclay
Vice President - Adam Behiels
Secretary - Ben Rajewski
Treasurer - Conrad Andrelunas
Education Chair - Léna Stenhouse
Education Co-Chair - [Position available]
Program Chair - Brandy Abulescu
Program Co-Chairs - Al Haberman, Max McRae
Membership/Nominating Chair - Todd Shearer
Awards Chair - Liam Ginnell
Communications - Colin Fair
Emerging Professional Chair - Jon Hill
Sponsorship - Megan Barclay
managers at Large
Brent McCabe
Colin Wright
Derek Ginnell
Josh Bornia
Katy Evans
Lance Warner
Manan Kapoor
Ryan Sonnenberg
Trina Larsen
Some of the 2016 IES Edmonton Board of Managers
Trina Larsen, Steve Eriksen, Ryan Sonnenberg, Josh Bornia, Bridget Fox-Luzny, Sergio Martinez, Colin Fair, Ian McGuinness, Katy Evans, Derek Ginnell, Ben Rajewski, Randy Phung, Brent McCabe, Conrad Andrelunas
Officers & Chairs
President - Megan Barclay
Past President - Josh Bornia
Vice President - Tanya Steeves
Secretary - Ben Rajewski
Treasurer - Adam Behiels
Education Chair - Daveed Henriquez
Education Co-Chair - Sunil Nakai
Program Chairs - Brandy Abulescu
Program Co-Chairs - Al Haberman, Max McRae
Membership/Nominating Chairs - Todd Shearer
Awards Chair - Liam Ginnell
Communications - Colin Fair
Emerging Professional Chair - Chris Welch
Public Relations/Recognition - (Position available)
Managers at Large
Brent McCabe
Colin Wright
Conrad Andrelunas
Derek Ginnell
Lance Warner
Norm Henze
Ryan Sonnenberg
Trina Larsen
Officers & Chairs
President - Megan Barclay
Past President - Josh Bornia
Vice President - Léna Stenhouse
Secretary - Ben Rajewski
Treasurer - Adam Behiels
Education Chair - Sunil Nakai
Program Chairs - Tanya Steeves, Al Haberman
Membership/Nominating Chairs - Todd Shearer, Max McRae
Awards Chair - Liam Ginnell
Communications Chair - Colin Fair
Emerging Professional - (Position available)
Public Relations/Recognition - (Position available)
Managers at Large
Brent McCabe
Colin Wright
Conrad Andrelunas
Derek Ginnell
Lance Warner
Manan Kapoor
Norman Henze
Ryan Sonnenberg
Trina Larsen
Officers & Chairs
President - Josh Bornia
Past President - Ryan Sonnenberg
Vice President - Megan Barclay
Treasurer - Adam Behiels
Secretary - Sunil Nakai
Education - Ryan Benvenuto
Program - Léna Stenhouse, Tanya Steeves, Al Haberman
Membership/Nominations - Todd Shearer, Max McRae
Awards - Derek Ginnell, (Co-chair position available)
Communications/Webmaster - Colin Fair, Ben Rajewski
Public Relations/Recognition - (Position available)
Sustaining Membership - (Position available)
Emerging Professional - (Position available)
Managers at Large
Brent McCabe
Chris Barr
Colin Wright
Conrad Andrelunas
Norman Henze
Trina Larsen
Katy Evans
Officers & Chairs
President - Josh Bornia
Past President - Ryan Sonnenberg
Vice President - Megan Barclay
Treasurer - Katy Evans
Secretary - Sunil Nakai
Education - Ryan Benvenuto
Program - Léna Stenhouse, Tanya Steeves, Al Haberman
Membership/Nominations - Todd Shearer
Awards - Derek Ginnell, (Co-chair position available)
Communications/Webmaster - Colin Fair, Ben Rajewski
Public Relations/Recognition - (Position available)
Sustaining Membership - (Position available)
Emerging Professional - (Position available)
Managers at Large
Adam Behiels
Brent McCabe
Chris Barr
Colin Wright
Conrad Andrelunas
Norman Henze
Trina Larsen
Officers & Chairs
President - Ryan Sonnenberg
Vice President - Chris Barr
Treasurer - Katy Evans
Secretary - Sunil Nakai
Education - Ben Rajewski, Ryan Benvenuto
Program - Megan Finlay, Léna Stenhouse
Membership/Nominations - Todd Shearer
Awards - Derek Ginnell, (Co-chair position available)
Communications/Webmaster - Colin Fair, (Co-chair position available)
Emerging Professional - (Position available)
Managers at Large
Brent McCabe
Trina Larsen
Ian McGuinness
Colin Wright
Randy Phung
Darven Smetaniuk
Steve Eriksen
Josh Bornia
Officers & Chairs
President - Ryan Sonnenberg
Past President - Brent McCabe
Vice President - Chris Barr
Treasurer - Josh Bornia
Secretary - Sunil Nakai
Education - Ben Rajewski, (Co-chair position available)
Program - Raquel McAllister, Katy Evans
Membership - Todd Shearer, Steve Eriksen
Nominations - (Position available)
Public Relations/Recognition - (Position available)
Awards - Derek Ginnell, (Co-chair position available)
Communications/Webmaster - Colin Fair, (Co-chair position available)
Emerging Professional - Léna Montpetit, Alexey Kalinin
Managers at Large
Trina Larsen
Ian McGuinness
Colin Wright
Krista Wright
Randy Phung
Megan Finlay
Darven Smetaniuk
Officers & Chairs
President - Brent McCabe
Past President - Conrad Andrelunas
Vice President - Ryan Sonnenberg
Treasurer - Josh Bornia
Secretary - Sunil Nakai
Education - Ben Rajewski, Trina Larsen
Program - Katy Evans, Raquel McAllister
Membership & Nominations - Ian McGuinness
Awards - Derek Ginnell, (Co-chair position available)
Communications - Colin Fair
Emerging Professional - Megan Finlay
Managers at Large
Chris Barr
Colin Wright
Krista Wright
Randy Phung
Steve Eriksen
Officers & Chairs
President - Brent McCabe
Vice President - Ryan Sonnenberg
Treasurer - Sergio Martinez, Josh Bornia
Secretary - Jordan Busch
Education - Ben Rajewski, Trina Larsen
Program Chair - Bridget Fox-Luzny, Conrad Andrelunas (Past President)
Membership & Nominations - Ian McGuinness
Public Relations & Awards Chair - Randy Phung, Derek Ginnell
Communications - Colin Fair
Emerging Professionals - John Kirstein, Megan Barclay
managers at Large
Chris Barr
Colin Wright
Daryle Tilroe
Glenn Stowkowy
Katy Evans
Ken Glowinski
Sunil Nakai
President - Conrad Andrelunas, (2nd term)
Vice President - Brent McCabe (2nd term)
Treasurer - Trina Larsen (Past President)
Sergio Martinez, EP Co-Chair
Secretary - Vlado Cicovski (2nd term)
Education - Sunil Nakai, (3rd term)
Colin Wright, Education Co-Chair
Ben Rajewski, EP Co-Chair
Program - Bridget Fox-Luzny
John Kirstein, EP Co-Chair
Deborah Savage
Membership & Nominations - Katy Evans (2nd term)
Ian McGuinness, EP Co-Chair
Public Relations & Awards - Randy Phung
Derek Ginnell, EP Co-Chair
Communications - Ryan Sonnenberg (3rd term)
Josh Bornia, EP Co-Chair
Colin Fair, Website (2nd term)
Adam Behiels, Website Co-Chair (1st term)
Sergio Martinez, Emerging Professional Chair
Gerald Blouin, Board of Managers
Ken Glowinski, Board of Managers
Derek Pogany, Board of Managers
Glenn Stowkowy, Board of Managers
Daryle Tilroe, Board of Managers
Chris Barr, Board of Managers
Lance Warner, Board of Managers
Morley Harke, Board of Managers