Section Service Award — IES Edmonton

Section Service Award

IES Edmonton appreciates the selfless service & attitudes of our membership.  The efforts of everyone involved, no matter how menial the task, are critical to the health & success of the local lighting industry.

To this end, we occasionally bestow a service award upon those who demonstrate an exemplary level of dedication to the advancement of lighting within our section.


Presented to Colin Wright at our Annual General Meeting held on May 23, 2018.

Colin Wright’s personal and professional track record is extensive!
There are not many street lighting applications around Edmonton that have not had Colin’s involvement in some fashion.  One example is something that we reviewed this year with the IES, the 108th Street Capital Boulevard Legacy Public Art project that runs between MacEwan University and the legislature.  Colin was involved with the custom design of the street lighting poles that were used to enhance the overall image of the street façade.
Colin volunteers his time to many endeavours both from a personal perspective and from his secular work.
One of Colin’s passions is his involvement with the C.A.R.E Housing Society.  The C.A.R.E. (Creating Accessible Residential Environments) Housing Society is a non-profit organisation that raises funds to purchase or build and maintain homes specifically for people with disabilities.  They are governed by a board of volunteer directors who are dedicated to support this at-risk population to have a stable home for their lifetime.  C.A.R.E. Housing Society operates three sustainable homes in Edmonton and is currently working on building a fourth home.  These homes have full time staff to help the four or five people in these homes.  Colin has been involved with the funding, assisting with the lease purchase, and coordination of construction activities.
It's not only these activities that Colin is involved with, but he is also a handyman who volunteers his time to fix things associated with the homes when needed.  Sometimes when things are needed Colin is known to “donate” to the organization, such as when a television needed repair and a new one just happened to arrive.
Colin is also involved with a band as a veteran roadie.  He is currently trying to arrange a charity function with this band to help as a fund raiser, as yet another way to give back to the community.
One example of volunteer time spent in the lighting community is that he directly helps the local IES section with the Fundamentals classes to help impart some of his knowledge as an instructor or class assistant.  This sharing of knowledge and the enthusiasm and passion that he brings is greatly appreciated.
Colin is seen as a go-to guy when it comes to knowing his work and applying his experience.    Colin offers his knowledge to lighting manufacturers based upon what he sees to help improve the product for everyone.  Some manufacturers have also been known to seek out his advice of what his impressions are on new products.
Colin sees when something isn’t right and is willing to step up and fix it.  One anecdote is an occasion where he arrived at a trade show as an attendee.  When he was walking through the vendor area of the trade show he noticed that the Philips Lighting booth wasn’t finished being set up and was unattended.  Being the faithful Philips Lighting agent that he is, he proceeded to set up the booth and man it for the next three hours, speaking to other attendees of the convention about the product until the official Philips representatives arrived.
Words often used to describe Colin Wright are:
  • Hard Working
  • Nose-Down…fill in the blank
  • Trusting
  • Doesn’t take time off
  • A perfect business partner
Colin’s wife Terry, daughters Ashley and Kelly, one grand-daughter and another on the way, are certainly proud of Colin and everything that he does, both on a professional – and more importantly – on a person level.
It is, therefore, our privilege to announce Colin Wright as the recipient of IES Edmonton’s Section Service Award.
- Brent McCabe, IES Edmonton Section President


Presented to Wayne Rogers on June 21, 2017 at a local IES event at the Telus World of Science Edmonton.

The Edmonton section of the IES would like to thank Wayne Rogers for his many years of continued service in the Edmonton lighting community.   His contributions of knowledge and passion for all aspects of lighting have been evident in everything that he has provided to our community, serving to ignite a similar enthusiasm in anyone who had the privilege of working with Wayne.


Presented to Tammy Brady at the Annual General Meeting on June 9, 2016.  

As a linchpin of our volunteer section for many years, IES Edmonton owes much of its current spirit and vitality to Ms. Brady's warm nature and reliable organisational skills.

Tammy Brady